
771 bytes added ,  20:12, 27 April 2023
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The magic text allows some other value to be substituted at the point of invocation, rather than standard static text that will never changed. For example it's possible to add and action that reference a variable via magic text and that variable's value will be substituted at the point that action is run.
The magic text allows some other value to be substituted at the point of invocation, rather than standard static text that will never changed. For example it's possible to add and action that reference a variable via magic text and that variable's value will be substituted at the point that action is run.
<pre style="color: #3498DB">
*Full list of static magic text options NOT dependant on triggers.
<pre style="color: Red">
*List of additional magic text dependant on triggers
<pre style="color: #3498DB">
MacroDroid mode
{| class="wikitable"
! style="color:green" | Magic text that does NOT depend on triggers.
! style="color:red" | Magic text depends on triggers.
|+Updated to version 5.33.x (May 2023).
|App installed/updated/removed trigger:
*Application name
*Application package
|Variables users have created
|Application opened/closed trigger:
*Application name
-Variables users have created-
|String variable length
|Call triggers:
*Call name
*Call number
String variable length
|String variable value
|Bluethooth (Device connected or device disconnected):
*Bluethooth device name
|Dictionary/Array size
|SMS recived:
*Incoming SMS contact
*incoming SMS message
*incoming SMS number
|New line
*Logcat entry line
|Foreground app name
*Track ID
*Artist name
*Album name
*Track name
*Track length (s)
*Is playing
|Foreground app package
*Ticker text
*Sub text
*Text lines
*Big lines
*Action names
*App name
*App package
String variable value
|Current brightness
*Temperature (Celsius)
*Temperature (Fahrenheit)
*Wind speed m/s
*Wind speed (mph)
*Wind speed (kmh)
*Wind direction (degrees)
*Weather conditions
Dictionary/Array size
|Current brightness (Android 9+ alternative)
|Screen timeout (seconds)
|Current battery %
|Battery temp ºC
|Power (on/off)
|Clipboard text
|Current IP address
|Current IP address (V6)
|Wifi SSID
|Wifi signal strength
|Cell tower signal strength
|Day of the week
|Day of the month
|Week of year
|Month (as digit)
|Hour of day
|Hour of day (Leanding zero)
|Hour of day (12h)
|System time
|System time (ms)
|Webhook Base Url
|System setting (System)
|System setting (Global)
|System setting (Secure)
|Cell connection type
|Mobile country code
|Mobile network code
|Location area code
|Cell id
|Last known location (lat,lon)
|Last known location (lat)
|Last known location (lon)
|Last known location (altitude)
|Last known location (accuracy meters)
|Last known location (link)
|Last known location (time)
|Last location speed (kmh)
|Last location speed (mph)
|Current volume (Alarm)
|Current volume (Media / Music)
|Current volume (Ringer)
|Current volume (Notification)
|Current volume (System sounds)
|Current volume (Voice call)
|Current volume (Bluetooth voice)
|Macro name
|Macro id
|Macro category
|Device serial
|Device name
|Device uptime
|Device uptime (s)
|Device manufacturer
|Device model
|Macrodroid version
|Macrodroid is pro
|Android version
|Android  version (SDK level)
|Sim operator name
|Screen resolution
|Screen resolution (X)
|Screen resolution (Y)
|RAM (Total)
|RAM (available)
|Storage total (external)
|Storage free (external)
|Storage total (internal)
|Storage free (external)
New line
Foreground app name
Foreground app package
Current brightness
Current brightness (Android 9+ alternative)
Screen timeout (seconds)
Current battery %
Battery temp ºC
Power (on/off)
Clipboard text
Current IP address
Current IP address (V6)
Wifi signal strength
Cell tower signal strength
Day of the week
Day of the month
Week of year
Month (as digit)
Hour of day
Hour of day (12h)
System time
Webhook Base Url
System setting (System)
System setting (Global)
System setting (Secure)
Cell connection type
Mobile country code
Mobile network code
Location area code
Cell id
Last known location (lat,lon)
Last known location (lat)
Last known location (lon)
Last known location (altitude)
Last known location (accuracy meters)
Last known location (link)
Last known location (time)
Last location speed (kmh)
Last location speed (mph)
Current volume (Alarm)
Current volume (Media / Music)
Current volume (Ringer)
Current volume (Notification)
Current volume (System sounds)
Current volume (Voice call)
Current volume (Bluetooth voice)
Macro name
Macro category
Device serial
Device name
Device uptime
Device uptime (s)
Device manufacturer
Device model
Macrodroid version
Macrodroid is pro
Android version
Android  version (SDK level)
Sim operator name
Screen resolution
Screen resolution (X)
Screen resolution (Y)
RAM (Total)
RAM (available)
Storage total (external)
Storage free (external)
Storage total (internal)
Storage free (external)
<pre style="color: Red">
List of additional magic text dependant on triggers:
App installed/updated/removed trigger:
Application name
Application package
Application opened/closed trigger:
Application name
Call triggers:
Call name
Call number
Bluethooth (Device connected or device disconnected):
Bluethooth device name
SMS recived:
Incoming SMS contact
incoming SMS message
incoming SMS number
Logcat entry line
