Installing helper on Android 14+


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
While waiting for an official guide, users are starting to come here to get help about installing or updating the helper app on Android 14+.

Because Google is so keen to "protect our privacy", applications targeting SDK 22 or lower can no longer be installed or updated on devices - at least not from the package installer interface itself.
Please follow below instructions to install the helper app.
In order to do this you will need a Windows/Linux based PC or a Mac plus Google's ADB tool which can be downloaded from the links below:
(Click the fading zone below to expand)
Windows -
Linux -
Mac -

For instructions on configuring your device to connect via adb please see the following information:

Once you have a working adb connection, you need to run the following command from the command line/terminal on your computer:

adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk

where FILENAME.apk is the filename of the helper apk you should download to whatever you are running adb commands from.
Remember to allow all permissions when starting the helper app else it might not work properly.
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New member
I had problems with 1.10, so I updated it to 1.13.
ADB said it was installed successfully, the MDHelp app data said 1.13, but the actions in MD still didnt work.

So I deleted cache and data, deinstalled the 1.13 and tried a new clean install with only the 1.13 file over ADB.
Suddenly my phone says there will be an insecure install, but I tapped "ok".

It seems that ADB isnt able to install the 1.13 directly, without having a pre verion installed.

"Performing Streamed Install
adb: failed to install macrodroidhelper_v1_13.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE: Install not allowed for file:///data/app/vmdl1691665819.tmp]"

Am I missing something?

Where can I get an older MDhelper.apk and am I even able to install that old version on A14 now?
Feels like I´m trapped now.

Tried on Pixel 7 pro

Edit: Ok, call me stupid, but you have to tap the highlighted text above the huge "OK" button, NOT the "OK" button.
In german it says "Trotzdem installieren" - in english maybe "install anyways"

Disabling Bluetooth still doesnt work, but GPS works now.
Too bad that google makes things worse and worse...
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Well-known member
What exactly is the action that is not working? If you can attach a macro so that I can easily test it, I will try to verify it too.
I'm actually trying, but it was possible to install v1.13 directly.


New member
Yes you can install it directly, see my highlighted edit. Sorry

Wlan and Bluetooth does not enable/disable.
GPS on/off works.

The macro is kind of big and paired with another. Don't think it will work on your phone anyways.

But if you want them, you can have it.


Well-known member
The mobile data toggle and Bluetooth toggle are both working, unless only the display has changed and they are not working.
All permissions are reset after installation of the helper and must be granted.
Could you please check the permissions on the helper?


New member
Oh damn, I didnt remember the ADB permissions where for the helper file too.

Maybe it would be helpful to place a reminder to those posts or something.
Now its all working.



New member
While waiting for an official guide, users are starting to come here to get help about installing or updating the helper app on Android 14+.

Because Google is so keen to "protect our privacy", applications targeting SDK 22 or lower can no longer be installed or updated on devices - at least not from the package installer interface itself.

adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk
where FILENAME.apk is the filename of the helper apk you should download to whatever you are running adb commands from.

sorry, but the link for Windows is dead.


New member
I attempted to install the 1.13 apk on a new Pixel 8. I got this error 'INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE' . I searched and found a fix. Before installing the APK, enter these two adb shell commands:
$ adb shell settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 0
$ adb shell settings put global package_verifier_enable 0
After you're done installing the APK, re-enter the above shell commands but with a value of '1' instead of the '0'.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I attempted to install the 1.13 apk on a new Pixel 8. I got this error 'INSTALL_FAILED_VERIFICATION_FAILURE' . I searched and found a fix. Before installing the APK, enter these two adb shell commands:

After you're done installing the APK, re-enter the above shell commands but with a value of '1' instead of the '0'.
That's interesting.
Did you have to use the --bypass-low-target-sdk-block flag?


New member
That's interesting.
Did you have to use the --bypass-low-target-sdk-block flag?
After I used the two commands, I used the original install command with the bypass switch. To be honest, I didn't really think about it and just resubmitted the install command as it was after turning off the verification.


Well-known member
I tried on Windows 11 and Linux and was able to install with just adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk.
Pixel 8 Pro / Android 14 / UD1A.231105.004


New member
My Pixel 8 would not let me download the MDHelper! It kept saying "you can't install app on this device" but via this post I successfuly installed this. Thank you for these instructions! So helpful.

However, you have to have a base level of programing/directory knowledge.

These are basic steps for someone who knows little (which would be me)
* I downloaded the USBDebugging tool onto my computer
* I enabled USB debugging on my Pixel Phone and connected it to my computer via cable
* I downloaded the helper APK file on my computer
* I put the apk file in the same folder as the USB debugging tool
* I opened terminal
* In terminal I used the cd command to change the folder I was in in until I moved into the folder which contained all the files.
* I then ran the suggested command on the intial post "adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk"

As most of you can tell, I know next to nothing about what I am saying. So feel free to correct!

I am putting these here so spell out some of the assumed steps in the first post :)


New member
First i didn't see the warning on the smartphone to allow the connection. But after that it work's fine and the MD Helper is now installed on my Pixel 8.

Rolando Angel

New member
My Pixel 8 would not let me download the MDHelper! It kept saying "you can't install app on this device" but via this post I successfuly installed this. Thank you for these instructions! So helpful.

However, you have to have a base level of programing/directory knowledge.

These are basic steps for someone who knows little (which would be me)
* I downloaded the USBDebugging tool onto my computer
* I enabled USB debugging on my Pixel Phone and connected it to my computer via cable
* I downloaded the helper APK file on my computer
* I put the apk file in the same folder as the USB debugging tool
* I opened terminal
* In terminal I used the cd command to change the folder I was in in until I moved into the folder which contained all the files.
* I then ran the suggested command on the intial post "adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block FILENAME.apk"

As most of you can tell, I know next to nothing about what I am saying. So feel free to correct!

I am putting these here so spell out some of the assumed steps in the first post :)
Could you explain the following better to me?

1. What is the USB Debugging tool, where do I download it?

2. What is the "terminal"? Is it the "USB Debugging tool"?

3. Could you explain this step better? "In terminal I used the cd command to change the folder I was in until I moved into the folder which contained all the files"



New member

1. You can find the links for different systems in the first post

2. The terminal is the "DOS-Box" under Windows.

3. First download the .apk File from the MD_Helper and copy it in the same direktory you've unpacked the Debugging Tool. So it's easier to find it.

Now start the terminal (Win-Key and enter cmd.exe). Change to the directory you've installed the Debugging tool with: cd {drive}/{direktory}

First you have to connect the phone with an USB-cable.

If you're in the right direktory you can start the Debugging tool with:

adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block MacroDroidHelper_v1_13.apk

After pressing ENTER check the display of your're phone. There you have to accept the connection.


New member
Hey there!

Phone = Google Pixel 8 PRO
Android v14

I received the warning as well, but, permitted the install.

I have installed MD Helper v1.13. I can see it installed under apps.

I have a single action Disable Bluetooth that turns off the Bluetooth. When I test it nothing happens. No error. Just Bluetooth is not disabled.

Let me know if you need anything else to help troubleshoot. I was looking for any logs but couldn't find anything.


Well-known member
All permissions are reset after installation of the helper and must be granted.
Could you please check the permissions on the helper?


New member
All permissions are reset after installation of the helper and must be granted.
Could you please check the permissions on the helper?
Here is a screen shot of the permission. I also did a reboot after applying them. A task with disabling Bluetooth is still not working. Happy to try anything else, screen shots, logs, etc.

Thanks for the assistance!


  • MD_Permissions..jpg
    56.9 KB · Views: 49


Well-known member
I am able to operate the Bluetooth on my Google Pixel 8 Pro.
After uninstalling and reinstalling the helper, it prompts me to allow permissions upon starting.
Please grant all permissions.