Call Outgoing

This trigger will fire when an outgoing call has been placed.

When this trigger is selected, a menu will appear displaying four options, each used to determine which call has been placed.

  • Select Contact(s)

When this option is selected, a menu will appear displaying a scrollable list of contacts, preceding by three options to choose [Any Contact], [Non Contact], or [Unknown Caller]. The menu also includes the options to make the trigger include/exclude the contacts, and a search bar to search contacts.

  • Select Group(s)

When this option is selected, a menu will appear displaying a check-box style list of your contact groups; You may select one or more of these.

  • Select Number

When this option is selected, a menu will appear displaying a text field, wherein you can use the wildcards '*' and '?' next to a button allowing for the use of magic text. Below that is an option to set the trigger to exclude this number, effectively detecting every number except your selection.

  • Any Number

When this option is selected, the trigger will fire when any outgoing call is made.