
This action can be used to capture the contents of the current screen into a dictionary variable.
The variable will consist of a number of key-value pairs where the key is the Ul view id and the value is the textual content.
Note | that any existing entries in the dictionary will be cleared.

Configuration available

Select variable

You need to select or create a dictionary type variable to store the obtained screen content.

Variables | Dictionary

Select key

  • This Dictionary
If you already have an existing dictionary, this function will write to the root of the dictionary.

  • Add key
You can choose to add a Key manually.

  • Define manualmente
Define one or more dictionary keys manually using the full syntax. For example to address a dictionary storing data by years and months you could write [2022][May]
To force an array type (rather than dictionary) prefix the index with_A_. For example to output a value in a 2d array you could write [A_3][A_10]

View ID

  • Exclude view ids without text
All the obtained will be saved including empty values.

  • Include view ids without text
Only an ID containing a defined value is obtained.


An ID that will not be included:

Key = android: id/content
Value =

A valid ID that will be included:

Key = com.arlosoft.macrodroid:id/title
Value = Add macro


  • Exclude Overlay
All the obtained will be saved including empty values.

  • Include Overlay (Pro version required)
Only an ID containing a defined value is obtained.

Examples of an overlay.

* A pop-up menu that appears when a button is tapped.
* A floating window displayed above the main screen.
* A dialog box that appears on the screen.