Volume down often stops triggering apps


New member
Hi again,
I just posted about an issue which happens all the time when volume is at 0% resulting in never running macros with the volume down trigger.

Now I have an annoying bug again with that button which stops launching apps.
I can see the macro gets triggered properly and I even have the event launching the app but it doesn't actually start it even with force. Same goes with the Open website function.
On the contrary I have a notification in that macro and it does fire all the time...

To stop the problem I just have to put macrodroid (which is always running/locked) in foreground then I can trigger again properly all the functions mentioned.

I am wondering how I can detect the bug so that I can put macrodroid in the foreground when it happens before launching the functions.
Hopefully you'll have a better workaournd :)


New member
Hmm apparently nobody is inspired to suggest a solution so in the meantime I will just start macrodroid app before triggering other actions in the macro.
Thanks for the great app anyway