Vibrate trigger


New member
Just like vibrate actions where we can configure to requirements... Is it possible to set vibrate as trigger?.... I want to connect 2 macros without run actions or anything... If vibrate was set as trigger than it would be good for me to set up my automation


Well-known member
Don't really think that it's possible, but maybe throug logcat
But what about using whatever triggers the vibration as trigger instead?
Don't know if this helps 😉
Merry xmas


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Don't really think that it's possible, but maybe throug logcat
But what about using whatever triggers the vibration as trigger instead?
Don't know if this helps 😉
Merry xmas
Can't you use macro run ? That's the easiest way of doing it.


Well-known member
This logcat message works for me, however it propably depends on the hardware and firmware.



Well-known member

The second trigger works for any other special system vibration, like vibration on keyboard etc...

I think if you tryed to log the logcat messages via the logcat trigger and then search for "vibration" you may also find that some messages are written to the logcat on your device.