UI click help


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm pretty experienced with MacroDroid and love it. However, as my macros get more complex with ui clicks I wonder if there's a better way to do it, my macro seen below gets really messy. Currently when I have a ui click I have to enable MDs wait until next action more often than I prefer to ensure the UI element is present. In short I want to know...

Is there an option to make the ui click wait until the element is present?


Is there some kind of way to add a constraint to these ui elements that will make this macro cleaner for ex I tried a timer but I couldn't figure out a cleaner way to make it work.

Thanks for any advice.



Well-known member
are you Uber driver ?
honestly, I think you are in the wrong business and you should switch to something more computer related 😊


Well-known member
The best I know is TouchTask plugin. It has a trigger called 'screen update' that gathers all text and element ids, so you could check if element is present on screen or if it has became present, but I am not sure if it would be a reliable for your use.


Well-known member
The ideal way to control another app is via sending it an intent using MacroDroid's "Send Intent" action. That way you don't have to simulate clicks, deal with inserting random wait times, etc. Unfortunately, not all apps document (publicly) the intents they support, or those intents' parameters. But you could try some web searches, and/or an app like Shortcut Maker which can help identify at least some of that information for an app.

Failing that, you could use MacroDroid's new Action Block feature to simplify the look of your macro -- instead of 3 actions for every click you could have one. See screenshot for one possibility for an action block, which you could then invoke with a single action.

Lastly: there's another plug-in called AutoInput, similar to TouchTask, also compatible with MacroDroid. It has an action called UI Query, which can be configured to wait until certain text appears in an app before continuing and doing a UI click. That wouldn't be all that much cleaner than your existing scheme of inserting wait statements, though.


Staff member
I'm afraid MacroDroid currently does not have any ability to wait until things are pressed or read elements on the screen. I would second the recommendation to look at TouchTask and maybe also the AutoInput plugin.

This is certainly an area I hope to improve within MacroDroid so with any luck there will be more functionality in this area coming later this year.