Timer with multiple intervals


New member
Is it possible to have a macro of a Timer with multiple intervals? I want a 1 hr timer with three 20 minute intervals triggered by a widget and continue till I stop it. At each interval play some sound, and at the end record the total time into a file. I do not get how to get a trigger at the interval I want. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Is it possible to have a macro of a Timer with multiple intervals? I want a 1 hr timer with three 20 minute intervals triggered by a widget and continue till I stop it. At each interval play some sound, and at the end record the total time into a file. I do not get how to get a trigger at the interval I want. Thanks in advance.
You can create a loop, with constraint on global variable (modified by a widget button), where with an interval of one second you increase the value of a counting variable by 1, with IF-THEN actions compare the value, when it reaches 20 it reproduces an audio file and when it reaches 60 it modifies the constraint variable to exit the loop. Below the loop write the value of the count variable in a file, but I am not able to do this.

Sorry for my English...