Start Google Maps Navigation - action block


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This action block will open Google maps with route preview or directly start a google maps navigation or just return a generated route link.

Link generation is based on Google Maps URL API.
Read more here:


start point - Self explanatory. Please be vary of using any other special characters than space and comma. Invalid link might be generated. This applyes to all arguments that specify some location.
You can either define description of the location. For example "Penn Station East Coast Subs, Middletown, USA" or you can use comma separated longitude and latitude. For example "48.2690997, 13.6687741". Sometimes defining N, W, S, or E on end of coordinate might be required. (I noticed that for example "37.9634773, 91.7529148" won't be recognized but "37.9634773N, 91.7529148W" will.
This argument is optional. If no start location is given the maps will set it to your current location if availible or let you choose desired start location from the map UI.

end point - Self explanatory. Please be vary of using any other special characters than space and comma. Invalid link might be generated.
Syntax is same as for the start point.
This argument is optional. If no end location is given the maps will let you choose desired start location from the map UI.

way points - A list of waypoints. Please be vary of using any other special characters than space and comma.
Syntax is same as for the start point.
Note that only up to 9 waypoints are supported. Not more.
This argument is optional.

travel mode - Defines the method of travel. Options are driving, walking (which prefers pedestrian paths and sidewalks, where available), bicycling (which routes via bike paths and preferred streets where available), or transit. If no travelmode is specified, the Google Map shows one or more of the most relevant modes for the specified route and/or user preferences.

only return url - won't launch google maps but only return generated url string. Set to false by default.

only route preview - Will favour only displaying the route rather than starting the navigation. Most of the times navigation won't be started and only route oreview will be shown even if this variable is set to False which it is by default.