Start an activity instead of an app


New member
There are apps that allow you to isolate activities inside other apps and to launch them instead of the full app (ActivityLauncher app or Nova f.e.) I would like to have them as an action.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
There are apps that allow you to isolate activities inside other apps and to launch them instead of the full app (ActivityLauncher app or Nova f.e.) I would like to have them as an action.
You can use the send intent action (for example, the target is activity, the action is android.intent.action.MAIN, or android.intent.action.VIEW, the package is the package name of your app and the class is where you should put the activity).


Well-known member
You probably won't find an easy way to do it, gradually learn to use it in a more advanced way and increase what you can do.