Reply missing calls with WhatsApp message


New member
Please, is it possible to create a macro that will detect missing calls, get the number and use it to automatically send a WhatsApp predefined message? Thanks


Staff member
You can use the call missed trigger and the whats app action (use {call_number} magic text as the phone number). The main problem is that the phone must be on and unlocked to be able to do this as Whatsapp messages can only be sent by faking UI interactions.


New member
Please, another question... now I am trying to make MacroDroid unlock que screen when receiving a phone call, but seems not to work. I already removed any kind of protection (password, PIN, face recognition) and tried configured Screen On and Screen On (Alternative). Please, do you have more tips? Thanks!


Well-known member
I feel like the screen is already on when you are receiving a call.
I'd start with wait before next action (1-2seconds) and on my device I need to follow with launch home screen action to take me from the screen that allows me only to pick up or reject the call. After that you should use ui interaction to perform the swipe on the screen or whatever you need to do to unlock the phone. You could even leave it with password and make the phone perform all needed clicks to unlock it itself. You need to make sure macrodroid has all permissions for actions I mentioned