Record a call


New member
Is it possible to record a specific call from a number?

I want:

The number xxx call me.
MD answer the call and record for a time x.
Them MD hang up the call.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Google has really tried its best to kill call recordings. However, if you can get the phone call to be on speakerphone it may be possible. There's an incoming call trigger and a record microphone action which you can configure accordingly. There's a known issue of speakerphone action not working on some Android 10+ devices but you can use notification interaction action to click the speakerphone button if it exists in your notification area.


Staff member
MacroDroid cannot hook into the call audio stream so as suggested all it can do is record of the microphone which is likely to be inadequate in most cases.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
You cab however, if you have multiple devices, use one device to communicate to the other when there's any type of call and have the second device record the microphone. You can use Pushbullet to communicate. You would need to seriously consider constraints so it doesn't record when you're not in the same room for example.


New member
My XiaoMi Mi A2 (Android 10) actually has a "Record this call" function:
Screenshot (26 ott 2021 13_21_39).png

To record a call you must first accept the incoming call: then you can see the "Record" button and if you press it both sides can hear a message about the call being recorded - and the recording starts.
I noticed that in most spam cases I can press that button as soon as I accept the call and the counterpart ends the call before I can even say "Hello", and that gave me the idea of a macro that automatically starts recording as soon as I accept a call from given numbers (e.g. "not in my contacts" or "unknown number") but I can't seem to make it (will continue to try but will accept any suggestion).


New member
Hey there! Yup, it's totally doable to record specific calls from a particular number. I've done it before! You just need an app that supports call recording. When the number xxx calls, you answer, start recording for however long you need, then hang up. You can check out Mighty Call for such services; they also provide customers with an excellent call transfer system and metrics. Give it a shot!
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