Problem with Mail and SMS actions


New member
I think I fixed the problem configuring smtp server and creating a new app password for Gmail.

The fact that I couldn't set and configure "Send email" or "send sms" was due to missing Contacts permissions for Macrodroid App.
In this case it could be useful to warn the user to give the correct permissions, otherwise a user (and me too...) could think that the app is not properly working.

Thank you very much for your support


Staff member
In general you should avoid using the manual password option as it will only work if you don't have 2FA setup on your account, and I think that is pretty much mandatory nowadays. I would remove the option but I'm sure if I do I will get complaints from users who were using it.


New member
Actually Google itself suggests to use App password when you have 2FA enabled, as a (less secure) alternative to "Sign in with Google" if this is not available:


New member
Actually Google itself suggests to use App password when you have 2FA enabled, as a (less secure) alternative to "Sign in with Google" if this is not available:
Perfeito, corrigiu o problema que eu tinha de envio de e-mail.