Poblems with "Macro run - user prompt" action


Active member
Ok so i decided to use a "macro run - user prompt" action (with only 1 category selected) in the MD drawer to create folders/category's of some sort, i'm having some issues though..

1) When using a macro run - user prompt action with a certain category selected, if you change the category's name the macro run - user prompt action will no longer work, it will say something along the lines of "no matching category found". I'm not sure if this is the intended behaviour or if it is some sort of bug, either way it's not a huge deal.. i simply re-configured the macro run - user prompt action and selected the new/re-named category.

2) When i run the "run macro - user prompt" macro from the MD drawer and then run/select a macro that has a "set variable - user prompt action": The set variable user prompt pops up but my on-screen keyboard is dismissed right away.. Pretty annoying.. This does not happen if i add these macro's to the MD drawer directly/individually and run them: https://streamable.com/u3adh7

3) This is even weirder, it sometimes opens MD itself instead of running the macro that i pressed on (all of these macro's are very basic, 1-2 actions, and noone of them contain a "open macrodroid" action), both when i press the macro run - user prompt and when i press any of the macro's within that macro run user prompt: https://streamable.com/7c2717

Side note: Any chance we can get the ability to directly add/run action blocks from the MD drawer aswell?


Staff member
1) This seems like something I have just forgotten to handle. I will make a ticket for this and try and handle category changes soon.

2) I think this may be fixed in the latest beta. I've certainly made some tweaks in this area and I've just tested on a couple of devices and it seems to be working for me. If you still have issues please try a wait before next action of around 1 second before showing the variable input prompt.

3) The latest beta release should hopefully have a fix for this issue (assuming in your case it's caused by the same thing I was seeing happen).