Play all music in a folder at a predefined time


New member
Hi there

I'm new on here and to automate so please be gentle on me!

Background - I am helping a not-for-profit meditation charity setup an automatic system of playing meditation audio files from an Android device which is attached to their sound system (in their meditation centre) via the headphone-out of the a Samsung phone. The senior citizen who runs the centre needs a simple way to send a bunch of audio files from his mobile device [mobile1] whilst at home to the mobile phone [mobile2] in the meditation centre.

The solution I had in mind was:

  1. He upload the MP3 files from his phone [mobile1] to his Google Drive
  2. At a pre-set time everyday all the Mp3 files in that folder then play on [mobile2] from Google Drive, or...
  3. An automation downloads all the Mp3 files from Google Drive to [mobile2], then...
  4. Everyday at a predefined time play the contents of the music folder (either on Google Drive or from a predefined folder on an Android phone) is output via the headphone jack of [mobile2]
The internet connection at the location of [mobile2] is temperamental and hence there is the the need to have the music available offline (rather than having a streaming solution).

Hope that all makes sense.

Can anyone help please?

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Many thanks for the suggestion. However the link doesnt work for me :cry:
The link can only work if you open it on the device with MacroDroid installed and the browser needs permission to launch external apps - this setting is usually found in accessibility setting of the browser or privacy settings of the browser. You can search the MacroDroid store for 15269 or in any case can search the store for the macro ID