(Need help) rename and delete folders


Is there any other way to rename and delete folders in the "Android/data" path other than UI interactions?

I tried the delete option in the file operation, but my system is preventing me from authorizing macrodroid to access the "Android/data" folder,

I need to delete folder A and then rename folder B to the name of A, since the ui interaction is inefficient so I'm looking for other more convenient methods

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Android 11+ doesn't allow this. If you're lucky, you could try with shell script action and the helper option. mv command and rm command


Android 11+ doesn't allow this. If you're lucky, you could try with shell script action and the helper option. mv command and rm command
I searched for the relevant adb directives and tested the shell script actions, unfortunately it can't execute delete and rename commands without root, but thank you so much for telling me that adb can do this, I use other methods to run these commands, it's faster than ui interaction, thank you