Logcat trigger issues

I'm having a problem getting logcat output. As far as I can tell, triggers are working, but when I hit the "capture logcat" button and then hit stop, the window that should display the text appears empty. Once before a reset solved this, but resetting has not fixed it this time. Any hints? I'm on S22 Ultra, Android 12.
Update: I changed my phone's screen font size and then the captured text was visible. After changing it back to the prior size, it is still visible. Is this a bug? Something particular to my phone?
Edit: Now the problem seems to come and go. But so far I am unable to see the captured text if I leave the MacroDroid app. Another interesting thing is that, when I press the "recents" button with the logcat capture window open, I will first see the list of apps, but then after half a second, the logcat capture window comes back on its own. After that, another press will give me the app list which stays put.
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