Loading time

For about a week, I have always had to wait 8 seconds when I want to look at the macros list, regardless of whether I come from the home page or had a macro open or restart the app. I have already restarted my cell phone, but it is still there, which can be done I've already deleted the chach, but that didn't help


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Takes 7 seconds for me.

It depends on the number of enabled macros when starting the app and/or if you do something resource intensive.
No, there was only one case where a macro was executed over 270,000 because I forgot to insert a pause and as far as I know it's been that way since then, but the protocol has been cleared, and I don't know if you can call 196 macros a lot

Android 9
SDK version 28, but that came from now on. I was thinking about reinstalling the app, but then the widget was gone, and the custom icons were gone, so I wanted to wait until the update and hope that it was gone again. I also have the current Macrodroid version 5.36 .8 which is in the Playstore


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Also depends on performance, I have 309 macros total (half are disabled I'd say) on Redmi Note 11 NFC.
Back then I had more than 500 macros enabled at once which caused serious issues..
I have 6GB ram and a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro, but it hangs even when I have macrodroid turned off. I just can't uninstall macrodroid because then the stopwatches are at 0


Staff member
@LpmitBenjamin If you are happy to do so please share your complete macro set to me at support@macrodroid.com and I will take a look. I am starting to spend a little time on optimisations and I really do care about this stuff. For example in the next update (coming soon) there is a massively reworked edit macro page (under the bonnet) that should work much better for extremely large macros which currently can cause massive amount of lag on slower devices.

In the long term there are some major refactors I have in mind such as changing the way macros and variables are stored and it will be good to have some problematic macro sets so I can benchmark any prototype work I do to evaluate the performance difference of such changes.
I suspect that it was due to a macro that was executed a few times, to be exact, around 270,000 times because I hadn't installed a pause. At least it came shortly afterwards, but in the meantime I've been able to solve the problem by uninstalling the app and reinstalling it again and since then it has been loading directly again