Is it possible to have more than 8 quick tiles?


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
It's not possible to have more than 8 tiles with MacroDroid alone as it seems to be an system restriction. However using external apps to get more tiles then send a signal to trigger MacroDroid is possible.


It's not possible to have more than 8 tiles with MacroDroid alone as it seems to be an system restriction. However using external apps to get more tiles then send a signal to trigger MacroDroid is possible.
Can you please give an example of such external app?

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Latest update allows changing more quick tile stuff so you can reuse the existing ones for other macros


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Tweaked Configure Quick Tile action so it will update live while the tile is shown.
Is that what you mean by more quick tile stuff ?
That's the only recent change


Staff member
The quick tiles have to be manually encoded in the Android Manifest. I will look at adding another 8 in the next update so there will be a total of 16 available.