I have been using it to disable power off functionality but it also disables my navigation bar


New member
I have been using a macro to disable use of power button on my phone but it also rolls back the status bar as soon as I pull it down, is there a way to prevent that?


Can you share your macro here? I'm not sure how your macro works, but you can try a simple method: after the macro is triggered, use an action to check the screen text. If the characters on the screen include those from the status bar, prevent the macro from executing further actions.

Use the "Read Screen Content" action to identify which text in the status bar MacroDroid can recognize. If it doesn't work properly, try enabling the overlay option in the action for checking screen text.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Let me guess it's one of those macros that spam the CLOSE SYSTEM DIALOGS intent (only works on Android 8-. You can't prevent the status bar from going back.