Help with Tasker plugin Trigger with update data not working?


New member
Does anyone use event update variables from tasker plugins?

I've troubles extracting event data and would appreciate some help

I've created a tasker plugin which creates an event (camera alarm trigger) with extra data (ID and name of camera) and would like to use is inside MacroDroid in order to take different actions depending on the camera which triggers (e.g. turn on different lights).
The event contains two string variables: deviceID and deviceName
I've created a simple macro which listens for the event and then shows the device id and name, however I'm probably using the wrong syntax as it will not show.

I've also followed alternative forum posts suggesting to create intermediate variables but with no success:

The trigger config screen looks as follows:
Senza nome.png

So far my hypothesis are:
  • there's a different syntax for variables coming from tasker plugin events (notice I've used buth curly and square brackets to no avail)
  • MacroDroid does not pick up extra variables inside events coming from tasker plugins
  • I'm leaving out something on the side of the tasker plugin, which is however pretty simple

any suggestions?


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
When you save variables within plugin triggers/actions, it's done by having a field in the configurration screen which you can select the variable to save to (just like the error code and error message fields).


New member
When you save variables within plugin triggers/actions, it's done by having a field in the configurration screen which you can select the variable to save to (just like the error code and error message fields).
thanks @Endercraft : did some more tests and I understand that my plugin was not declaring the output variables correctly, now IinMacroDroid sees the declaration but not yet the values :-/
Senza nome.png

Will keep working on that
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