Get device's current timezone offset?


Is it possible to get the device's current timezone / offset? Eg I'm in the UK and we're now in British Summer Time, so the current offset is UTC+1. If I was currently in, say, Sydney (I wish), the current UTC offset on my device would be +10. Can I get that current offset figure programmatically through MacroDroid?

I've been looking through the System Settings magic text but can't find anything that looks suitable in there.



Well-known member
Is it possible to get the device's current timezone / offset? Eg I'm in the UK and we're now in British Summer Time, so the current offset is UTC+1. If I was currently in, say, Sydney (I wish), the current UTC offset on my device would be +10. Can I get that current offset figure programmatically through MacroDroid?

I've been looking through the System Settings magic text but can't find anything that looks suitable in there.

You can use the following Script shell date +%z