Get and store XY position of a View ID on screen

Angzarr Psyco

New member
I would like to request a feature that would allow you to store the XY coordinates of a View ID, this would either be the XY of the center of the view element or the first interactable pixel of the element (from Left to Right, Top to Bottom). Would be up to the developer's discretion of choosing how to add such a feature:

● Adding a macro action where you would input the View ID and, if the ID exists on screen, would store the XY coordinates as 2 int values. This could also have an option to store them as Percentages maybe?
● Adding a way to store the XY coordinates onto an action that already exists currently
● Or by some way the developer deems a better solution

I am requesting this because when trying to have a macro click pins on a pinterest board (aka favorited images) through the UI Interaction>View ID action, it was not doing anything (And yes I did ensure the view ID was for the image, the pin IDs are labeled "com.pinterest:id/lego_pin_grid_cell_id"). I have tested to see if it was simply a case of Macrodroid not being able to interact with pinterest, but that is not the case as if I have a macro click at an XY Coordinate, it works fine. I had also attempted the UI Interaction>Identify in App, but it does not react to me clicking the pin.

In a nut shell the use case for this would be to allow for users to have an easier way to automate clicking a view ID that refuses to be interacted with directly, but instead by just clicking the part of the screen the view ID is present.