File Handling


Some suggestions

- Search in file for a string and copy, delete, paste content until another string is found
- check file for content (usefull if you prepare a csv and check if headings are already in file)
- check existence of a file or folder
- only perform action if file or folder is not existent
- file system trigger like file/folder created, updated, deleted



Moderator (& bug finder :D)
- Search in file for a string and copy, delete, paste content until another string is found
- check file for content (usefull if you prepare a csv and check if headings are already in file)
You could use read file contents to extract the text then text manipulation to extract it/use an if variable "var" contains "text".

- check existence of a file or folder
- only perform action if file or folder is not existent
I think shell scripts can do that (and you could check the output in a condition).

- file system trigger like file/folder created, updated, deleted
Maybe when MacroDroid will get all files access.