Feature request: NFC tag data, or access to the NFC tag id/title


New member

It would be really useful to have access to the id/title of a triggering NFC tag as a string.
An enhancement - being able to add additional keys and values to the NFC tag that can be used by Macrodroid would be even better!

Use case: I've got some NFC dots that trigger different playlists in different areas of my house. The macro is based on two variables: "area" and "playlist".
Currently, whenever I add an NFC tag, I need to add an if statement to explain which area and playlist it should activate.
It would be wonderful to just set parameters on the tag, eg. area=study, playlist=likes on the tag directly, that can be used in variables.
Alternatively, if that's too much faff to implement, giving access to the title would be enough - if I make a tag called "Play likes playlist in study", I'd be able to pick out the strings I need automatically too.

I found a workaround using the webhooks uri to set parameters, but I'm not comfortable allowing remote access to my phone from the public internet in this way, so I'm not able to use that.

Many thanks for your hard work - Macrodroid has seriously improved my life, by automating the bits I find hard to keep up with.


New member
Quick update: I tried the cool trick with setting a dictionary variable, that allows extraction of data from calendar events and other triggers, but sadly no bits of data appear for an NFC trigger.

I'll keep looking, just in case there's a way to do this without asking you to write code!


New member
Having access to the id/serial would be quite useful. For example if you have 1 tag but why 2 different behaviors depending on who scans it.

I have an NFC tag on my washer/dryer, and depending who scans the tag last, they'll get a direct message instead if dumping the laundry complete message in a broadcast channel.

Also, I have an NFC tag on the outside of my house, I don't want it to ever have anything sensitive in the tag data, however when I scan it, it will open the garage door.

Also I have a tag on some workout equipment that I would like to personalize behavior, depending on who scans it. It will open up their workout playlist and append some data to a spreadsheet.

Basically, being able to access the id inverts the relationship with the tag, instead of one phone to many tags, you can have many phones to one tag


New member
i have the same problem.
The best solution for me has been create a macro for every tag. When you scann it, set a variable and then launch a standard block of actions that change based in the variable information.