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I know how can I remove the text with Replace All, but the stupid thing is that the URL always changes after link/ and I now have 10 text edits
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Well-known member
Can you be more specific about what you are trying to achieve? It's not clear from the description. Sorry for the delay in responding, but it's hard to respond to people who haven't made it clear what they want.

Edit text
What text? What is your macro trying to do? We need more context. It's important.


Well-known member
I think they want to remove

I think I see how the link changes, it seems pretty easy to do.

Man thank you. You have such an intuition to understand these requests.

@lpmitBenjamin try to use this regular expression as a text that should be replaced:

This message has been generated by Nova(?:.|\n)*?novaappai.page.link/.*?(?:\s|$)