Detect volume button double press?


New member
I need MacroDroid in order to change the buttons behaviour on my Bluettoth headset.
I was able to setup MacroDroid to detect single volume down button press and map it to previous track.
Now I need to detect double volume down button press and map it to actaully lower the volume, however I can't seem to find and option to detect dobule button press.
I came across this link where the author states he was able to do this, however the script is missing.
There's only this screenshot, but I'm not able to understand it.
So, my question is how to create actions that get fired when the volume down button gets double pressed?


Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Take the constraints off the triggers. In the action's if statements change them to if macro invoked. You can catch double presses if the macro was invoked in less than 2 seconds. You can then set the delay to as long as you need


Well-known member
I need MacroDroid in order to change the buttons behaviour on my Bluettoth headset.
I was able to setup MacroDroid to detect single volume down button press and map it to previous track.
Now I need to detect double volume down button press and map it to actaully lower the volume, however I can't seem to find and option to detect dobule button press.
I came across this link where the author states he was able to do this, however the script is missing.
There's only this screenshot, but I'm not able to understand it.
So, my question is how to create actions that get fired when the volume down button gets double pressed?

View attachment 8321
Maybe this could help you:

I've been using it for year and it works fine for me...