Day Of Month rank (Action Block)


Well-known member
This Action Block returns the rank of a day of month, from 1 to 5.

In short, to know the rank of Monday 21st, you'll get 3 because the 21st day of a month pertains to the 3rd week of a month, whatever the month is.

The macro in the Template Store illustrates how to use "fⁿDomRank" Action Block to get the rank of a specific day of month, from 1 to 5.

As an example, to know the rank of today's date, call the function (Action Block) with {dayofmonth} Magic Text (as shown in this macro). To know the rank of this Monday, if the macro fires every Monday, call the macro with the same parameters.

ℹ️ Read further explanations in the Action Block description field.
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