Copy Text from a file.txt Line by Line on every run


New member
Hi Mates
i want to copy text from a file and paste into an app text field LINE BY LINE everytime macro run should go for next line text
forexample : i am searching my desired numbers in a search field but its a list of numbers cannot put one by one
i can make mostly macros but this one is confusing me need experts help Thanks
here is my text file example


  • Untitled.png
    6.5 KB · Views: 15


Well-known member
Using a shell script to read the nth record from a file (using e.g. sed) might work. It may not be the most efficient scheme, but as long as you have a limited number of records, that could work.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Give this a try. You may need to modify it for your needs:


  • Copy_line_by_line.macro
    6.3 KB · Views: 100


Well-known member
Give this a try. You may need to modify it for your needs:
How can one get the contents of a file into a variable, for this script to work, though? Seems like everything I've tried in a shell script (cat, sed, etc.) says "Permission Denied". I've tried internal storage, and an SD card, but neither works -- even folders that MacroDroid successfully reads and writes for imports & exports.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
The command is usually cat /storage/emulated/0/text.txt

you then tick save result into string variable


Well-known member
May just be my phone, or Android version (11), but there's a permissions constraint with reading from files, even ones that I just created with MacroDroid's "Write to File" action.

It looks like my Android version only allows MacroDroid to read "media" files. Even if I just created a text file -- with MacroDroid itself, using Write-to-File actions -- I get
cat: /storage/emulated/0/MacroDroid/test.txt: Permission denied​
when using cat on the file in a shell action. But if I rename the same file to text.jpg, I'm able to cat it in a shell action without problems...

Looking at permission settings for MacroDroid, Android presents only "Allow access to media only" or "Deny" ...


whereas Android presents other apps with "Allow management of all files" vs. "Deny":

Maybe one needs to run an ADB command to grant MacroDroid broader file privileges, in order to read files via shell in MacroDroid?

So, back to [COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]adeelshezad230[/COLOR]:
  • Use a shell action invoking the "cat" command, to get the contents of your file into a MacroDroid variable, so you can then parse through it, line by line, using Jacob's macro
  • If you run into permissions issues reading your file in MacroDroid shell actions, try renaming the file (or copying it) to have a media-type extension like .jpg or .mp3 (or, adding permissions via ADB)