command an app according to another app


New member
Hi Everyone, I would like to know the Project I have in My Head is stuffed with this app. I have two apps: one that measures the environmental temperatures, and another app that commands the speed of an engine. I would like to vare so that when it exceeds a certain temperatures, in Triggher in Macroandroid and IncaSees The Velocira Sel Engine Through the Dedicated Application. Is it possible? Thanks

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
MacroDroid has weather triggers if it helps you. We don't have enough info to be able to help you. What are the two apps you're trying to merge? Maybe one sends a notification which can trigger


New member
Hi Jacob, thank you for your reply.
The two apps that I am trying to unite are one relating to one temperature sensor and the other app and the app to remotely control a Zehnder VMC. My intent would be to increase or decrease the VMC speed by means of the dedicated app according to the environmental temperature obtained from Wi-Fi thermometer or in the event through "meteorological triggers". I hope I was a little clearer.
Thanks in advance for your help

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
The only real way would be to see if they are plugin apps. In the red triggers area there's a + button, see if you can find plugin and if the apps are listed then they can interface with each other, there's also a plugin section in the blue actions area.

If they're not plugin apps, the only way to achieve this task is to use the screen content and UI interaction action to click. Unless anybody knows any better than me


New member
is to use the screen content and user interface interaction action to click.

That's right, desperate I would also be satisfied with this. Do you kindly give me directions to use the content of the screen creating an interaction with the interface of the app? Thank you

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Unless the thermometer sends notifications you'll need to get the value via reading the screen.

There's a screen content trigger. You'll need the key for the temperature - you can get the key by creating a simple macro. Trigger: shake. Action: read screen -> variable. Open the app you want and shake the device. This will give you the keys in the other macro.

Once you've got the key, you can create a macro that uses the screen content trigger to catch the key.

Then save the key value to a variable and UI interaction action to click and change VMC speed