Anyone using MD to discuss with APIs?


New member
I've implemented some API using MD:
- Notion: reading, creating or updating pages in my Notion workspace,
- UUIDgenerator: giving me UUID to uniquely identify things - lock flags, data transfers between macros, file names, ...,
- meteo-concept: to obtain more weather data than MD - multiple locations...

Yesterday I was looking at Gmail API but it seems really complicated to me. I want to share some email data with Notion.

Do you have any experiences using some software API with MD?

Best ones, implementations, ..., ideas and experiences are welcome.

Waiting for 5.38 to use javascript, it could be helpful I think.

I also use some services using incoming webhooks, and, it would be cool if it was possible to return something at the end of a macro (n8n can do that so I guess it could also be possible with MD), like defining a json payload to return to the caller, not closing the connection after webhook triggers but after an action to return some data.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Waiting for 5.38 to use javascript, it could be helpful I think.
Why wait ?

There are lots of tasker plugins compatible with MD you can use to do some stuff.


Active member
Gmail requires Oauth 2.0

Maybe this thread would help to retrieve the auth token?

Anyway, MD itself is able to send mail via Send email action and MailTask plugin is able to query messages.