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  1. S

    two replaces in a single action?

    Hey there. I have a string containing '(' and ')'. Given that I need to use that string in a regex, I need to escape those characters, so I've add two Actions: 1. for replacing ( with \( 2. for replacing ) with \) and everything works fine. But is there a way for doing both those replaces (or...
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    huge MD battery drain

    Hey there. I've been using MD for years and now since one of the last updates I'm facing a huge battery drain due to MD (never faced before): I've checked my macros and I don't see anything new. I've quite a few of them depending on cell towers, but also if I remain in the same area all day...
  3. S

    help with extracting text with variable in regex

    Hey there. I need some help with Extract text action. When I get notifications like this one 18' Gol! [1] - 0 Jovic L. I have an action 'Extract text' for saving the result in a variable (result) -in this case result = [1] - 0. And this works always fine. Then I have another Extract text action...
  4. S

    MD set Mobile Data tile off but connection still on

    Hey there. On my new Motorola Edge 2 Lite with Android 12 (not rooted) I have run all MD adb hacks and I have also separated Mobile Data and Wi-Fi tile with adb shell settings put global settings_provider_model false adb shell settings put secure sysui_qs_tiles 'wifi,cell,$(settings get secure...
  5. S

    changing audio output (earphones/phone)

    Hey there. Is there a way for changing audio output using MD? There's my case: in the night I connect my phone with my radio alarm using aux cable. When my phone alarm rings, its music come from my radio alarm. But this means that if the electricity run out in the night, I'm be able to hear...
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    Action Force Screen Rotation options

    Hey there. I'm having some issues understanding how Action Force Screen Rotation options work. I use to have portrait mode with autorotation off, but I want to have 180 portrait mode in the night (and back to portrait mode when I get up). And I want that if I turn Autorotation = On in the day...
  7. S

    to launch DND plannings

    Hey there. I've just left my old Xiaomi with custom rom for Motorola Edge 20 lite with stock rom and something I'm missing is the chance to separate notification and ringone volume (I had it in the custom rom). I see in Do Not Disturb I can set different plannings (event type), so for example I...
  8. S

    how to dismiss notification checking title instead of text?

    Hey there. Is there a way for dismissing notifications checking notification title instead of text? I mean I'd like to dismiss notifications from app X with empty title but to keep the ones with empty text and not empty title. For what I see, the action dismiss notification checks notification...
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    keep empty cell towers groups

    Hey there. Would be possible to keep empty cell towers Groups without deleting them? I've seen if I delete all the cells of a group, the empty group is still there, but after a while (I guess when MD start again) it disappear. I'd like to have empty groups cause I have a group Hotels for when I...
  10. S

    MD keeps crashing all the time (Solved)

    Hey there. I'm having MD crashing very often lately. It has just happened now (18:41/42) and in MD logs there's nothing. In phone logs (attached) I see: 09-25 18:41:58.428 1807 1896 I InputDispatcher: Application is not responding: Window{441bf6e u0...
  11. S

    Location services error while constraints Location Service Off

    Hey there. I have a macro CELLS for checking cell area entering/leaving. In the night I set Location Service Off and after that action I get errors like this in System Log: CELLS - Enter Cell Area missing permission Cell Tower Change - Location services must be enabled to use this feature on...