Search results

  1. Winny57

    Dns list2024

    Good morning, I present to you a macro to configure DNS services. The macro offers a list of 27 DNS addresses (18 private DNS and 9 ISP DNS) You can choose between DNS or automatically disable them. The services may be updated as DNS addresses evolve. Macro link...
  2. Winny57

    Special admin question

    Good morning, I have a question regarding a feature. created a macro sending an action to a webhook URL. The purpose of the action is to know the number of users of the macro, once sent the action this deactivated is therefore sends the request once so that on my receiving side I can put +1...
  3. Winny57

    Webradio 📻

    Here is a macro that retrieves a list of Webradio opens the direct link of the radio. The trigger is programmed on green button but you can of course configure the trigger. - +22 Web radio - Updating sources If you have an idea to open the links other than in the browser I'm interested...
  4. Winny57

    Bouton Blackview BV7100

    Good morning, I have a Blackview BV7100 device with a side button on the left, I can program the launch of an application but no shortcuts. So I tried using an alternative application which detects the physical button of the device but launching shortcuts is not ideal. I would therefore...
  5. Winny57

    foreground or background (floating buttons)

    Bonjour, J'ai créé une macro qui met en avant des boutons flottants lorsque certaines applications sont en fonctionnement (en premier plan ou en arrière-plan). Cependant, lorsque les applications sont en arrière-plan, elles sont considérées comme fermées alors qu'elles sont ouvertes mais en...
  6. Winny57

    Horaire de prière (FR)

    Bonjour, Je partage avec vous ma macro pour la récupération des horaires de prière Islamique et d'autres options seront a venir Inch'allah. Voici les options disponibles : Récupération automatique des horaires quotidiennes pour les mosquées favorites. Recherche de mosquées via Mawaqit ( Pays...
  7. Winny57

    BBcode problem?! Resolved

    Dear community members, I wanted to share an issue regarding the use of BBcode tags in the MacroDroid application. It seems that traditional tags like [B] or [COLOR=red] don't work as expected. After some testing, I realized that the tags must be used with angle brackets <B> for their...
  8. Winny57

    microphone recording phone call (resolved)

    Hello MacroDroid community,I recently encountered an issue with microphone recording during a phone call on Android. I am aware of the restrictions imposed by the latest versions of Android regarding microphone access during phone calls, but I was wondering if there is a workaround for this...
  9. Winny57

    Interesting features

    Hello everyone, I have two interesting ideas that could be nice to add: 1: Adding .gif files as icons, for example, when displaying a dialogue box with "loading..." 2: Integration with SmartLife (home automation). From what I've seen, many people are looking to integrate MacroDroid with their...
  10. Winny57

    (resolved) Automatic Detection Issue with Flashlight Settings

    Hello MacroDroid community, I'm experiencing an issue with system modifications monitoring. While controlling changes in flashlight settings (0 and 1) through the parameter {setting_secure=flashlight_enabled}, the detection doesn't trigger automatically despite the correct modification...
  11. Winny57

    Récupération des alarmes

    Bonjour, J'aimerais savoir comment je pourrais récupérer les alarmes actives. Pour vous décrire mon "project" j'ai une macro qui m'affiche une popup lorsque j'ouvre l'application horloge et qui me propose de créé une alarme, cependant j'aimerais que dans cette fenêtre je puisse afficher la...
  12. Winny57

    back button vibrations (resolved)

    Hello, how to disable the atypical back button vibrations?
  13. Winny57

    Bluetooth SmartWatch

    Hello to all the Macrodroid community. I come to ask you for help in order to be able to intercept the communication between my bluetooth watch and my Android device, let me explain. I have an option to make my phone ring when it is lost, but when the phone is on vibrate the system for the...