Josué García Nov 6, 2024 Android 15 has arrived on my device, what new restrictions and headaches are there?
Endercraft Apr 11, 2023 Yes, MacroDroid support said: special effects! Click to expand... indeed.. Original : That's not a bug it's special effects! Click to expand... Attachments Screenshot_2023-04-09-14-09-39-840-edit_com.arlosoft.macrodroid.jpg 721.2 KB · Views: 100
Yes, MacroDroid support said: special effects! Click to expand... indeed.. Original : That's not a bug it's special effects! Click to expand...
Endercraft Oct 22, 2022 MacroDroidDev (but edited) said: Actualización menor con pequeñas correcciones y adiciones requeridas a la política de privacidad para satisfacer a nuestros señores de Google. Click to expand... I think you messed up somewhere (Thread V5.28)
MacroDroidDev (but edited) said: Actualización menor con pequeñas correcciones y adiciones requeridas a la política de privacidad para satisfacer a nuestros señores de Google. Click to expand... I think you messed up somewhere (Thread V5.28)
FrameXX Aug 17, 2021 Where did that profile banner got from? It seems fairly familiar to me . Here's a full version for any other use cases:
Where did that profile banner got from? It seems fairly familiar to me . Here's a full version for any other use cases:
Most of the time it works, but at home it sometimes just doesn't work unless I use a VPN