MacroDroid Notification

About MacroDroid Notification

In order for MacroDroid to function it needs to stay alive on your device as a background app. In order to achieve this it is required to run as a foreground service. This means that it will always appear in your notification bar as a persistent icon and notification entry. You can access various settings for the notification bar via the tile on the application home screen. There are many customisations can be performed on the notification bar as described below:

  • Change icon - You can manually set an alternative icon to appear in the phone status bar. It is also possible to dynamically change the icon via any macro using the Set MacroDroid Icon action.
  • Show current MacroDroid Mode - Displays the current macrodroid default mode "Standard" you can change the mode with the action Set MacroDroid Mode.
  • Change text - You can use the Set MacroDroid Notification Text to set dynamic text content on the notification from any macro.
  • Set priority - You can change the priority of the persistent notification. On some devices this may effect the order it appears in the notification list and on older devices setting a minimum priority may prevent the notification appearing at all in the list of notifications.
  • Show last run macros - If this option is enabled there will be a list of the last run macros shown within the notification. This is useful to track what has run recently and when it ran.
  • Configure Button Bar - An alternative view of the persistent notification is to use a button bar which will display up to 7 clickable buttons that can then be used to invoke a macro via the Notification Bar Button trigger. Clicking this option will take you to a screen where you can configure the content of the button bar and customize colors etc.

Hiding Persistent Notification

On Android 8 and above you can hide the persistent notification by long pressing the notification and switching the persistent notification category off. On some devices this could lead to an alternative warning notification that MacroDroid is running in the background. Please see the in app guidance for this within the Notification Bar Options screen which describes how to hide this.