Trigger: App Install/Remove/Update

Revision as of 18:05, 28 April 2023 by JosueGd (talk | contribs)
This trigger can be configured to fire when you install an application, uninstall an application or when an application update has completed.

The following [magic text] is available when this trigger fires.

[app_name] - the name of the app.

[app_package] - the package of the app.

Supported configurations:

Any app:
Any application that is installed, uninstalled or updated.

Select applications:
One or more specific applications.

Example Usage:
A notification will be displayed when an app (specific or any) is updated by creating a notification that says "An app was updated. (app name)


Application Updated


Display Notification: Title: An app was updated.| Notification text: [app_name] 
