
Revision as of 07:07, 7 February 2021 by MacroDroidDev (talk | contribs)

Variables can be used to store values (numbers, text strings and true/false conditions). These values can be set in the Macrodroid action “Set variable”. Variables can be used throughout the app as Triggers and Conditions, and can be used for controlling specific Macrodroid and system settings.

Global Variables

Global variables are available throughout the application from any Macro. You should use global variables when you need to store a value between more than a single macro.

Local Variables

Local variables are specific to an individual macro. You should use a local variable when the value is only required in that individual macro.

Variable Types

  • Boolean = True or False
  • Integer = Whole Numbers for example: 100, 200, 300
  • Decimal = numbers with . character for example: 1.1 1.11 1.111
  • String = text and numbers and special characters for example: The cat sat on the mat! The cat is 5 years old, how old is yours?