User contributions
15 April 2024
Magic text
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List of Triggers
Trigger: HTTP Server Request
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Action: HTTP Server
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Action: HTTP Server
Created page with "<span style="color: #1665b0; font-size: 24px; display: inline-block; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 0px;"><strong>About this action</strong></span> <pre style="background-c..."
Trigger: HTTP Server Request
Created page with "Coming soon"
List of Triggers
List of Actions
20 March 2024
delete tweet action
Action: Write to File
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Action: Wifi Configure
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Action: Widget Button Modify
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Action: WhatsApp Send
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Action: Volume Change
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Action: Voice Search
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Action: Voice Input
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Action: Vibrate Enable/Disable
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Action: Vibrate
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Action: Vibrate
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Action: USB Tethering
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Action: UDP Command
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Action: Touch Screen
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Action: Torch On/Off
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Action: Take Screenshot
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Action: Take Picture
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Action: System Setting
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Action: Sync Account
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Action: Stopwatch
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Action: Silent - Vibrate Off
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Action: Shell Script
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Action: Share Location
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Action: Share Last Photo
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Action: Set Wallpaper
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Action: Set Screen Timeout
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Action: Set Screen Lock
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Action: Set Notification Sound
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Action: Set MacroDroid Notification Text
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Action: Set MacroDroid Mode
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Action: Set MacroDroid Icon
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Action: Set Location Update Rate
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Action: Set Button Bar Image
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Action: Send SMS
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Action: Send Email
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Action: Selecttion Dialog
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Action: Secure Settings
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Action: Screen On/Off
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Action: Say Current Time
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Action: Ringtone Configure
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Action: Restore Hidden Notifications
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Action: Record Microphone
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