Does anyone can help me? I am very new to MacroDroid and I am not using it to do large tasks. I used to do very simple tasks like auto silent, but the main problem is the app is malfunctioning. I mean, it will not make the phone silent in the morning and works fine at other times. I don't know what happened. I checked it every time, it's saying that enabled the MacroDroid accessibility services ,
even though I allowed all the accessibility settings. I observed that the setting is typically on, but in the subtext, it's saying "not working properly." Not only in MacroDroid accessibility, but I also saw the same thing in the accessibility settings of Bitwarden. Also, for your information, I am using MI10i mobile with Android 12 and MIUI 14.
even though I allowed all the accessibility settings. I observed that the setting is typically on, but in the subtext, it's saying "not working properly." Not only in MacroDroid accessibility, but I also saw the same thing in the accessibility settings of Bitwarden. Also, for your information, I am using MI10i mobile with Android 12 and MIUI 14.