Select multiple lines e. g. by long-clicking to copy or move the selection as one block


Frequently I need to copy or move a set of macro lines. Currently, each line has to be copied or moved one-by-one, which seems a little bit awkward.
My workaround is, to insert a nonsens IF / END IF command (like "if 0 = 0") before the first line of the block, then to move the END IF after the last line of the block, and finally to copy or move the entire IF / END IF statement containing the desired block of macro lines.

More intuitive would be a solution which allows to select a consecutive series of macro lines (e. g. by long clicking all desired lines) and then to copy / move this block.


Well-known member
Frequently I need to copy or move a set of macro lines. Currently, each line has to be copied or moved one-by-one, which seems a little bit awkward.
My workaround is, to insert a nonsens IF / END IF command (like "if 0 = 0") before the first line of the block, then to move the END IF after the last line of the block, and finally to copy or move the entire IF / END IF statement containing the desired block of macro lines.

More intuitive would be a solution which allows to select a consecutive series of macro lines (e. g. by long clicking all desired lines) and then to copy / move this block.
Your workaround is one the possible ones. Any kind of loop can also be used such as "Repeat 1 time". Instead of Cutting/Pasting the whole loop, you also can collapse it and then move it like a unique line.

This feature has already been asked several times and, as it is not really essential (thanks to easy workarounds), I guess it would require a lot of development compared to relatively infrequent needs (moving whole blocks vs a couple of lines).


Well-known member
Well, there is already existing the basic code framework for highlighting multiple actions in the Extract to Action Block menu item. Maybe @MacroDroidDev could use that same code, and adapt it 🤔 ⁉️
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Well-known member
Well, there is already existing the basic code framework for highlighting multiple actions in the Extract to Action Block menu item. Maybe dev could use that same code, and adapt it 🤔 ⁉️
In my opinion, highlighting a block is probably not the most difficult thing to do but I'm afraid that moving it could a bit more difficult (what Extracting to Action block doesn't do). But... who knows?