Restoring backups



I've never tried to restore any backups because I'm afraid anything goes wrong, though I have both local and cloud turned on. So I don't know whether it's possible to restore single macros or the whole collection must be restored at the same time. So, is it possible? And, if not, why not?

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
The backups are full backups not individual macros. To get individual macros you'll need to use the three dots button at the top of the macro >> Share macro. Once.a macro is extracted, you can import them individually


Ok, fair enough. It's just that, in my case at least, I cannot share to phone storage directly, I must go through Google Drive or Gmail.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
The first 2 actions work perfectly (almost) but the cat shell script just say cat: /storage/emulated/0/aA/Backups/MicroD.mdr: Permission denied

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
You can create three copies of the shell script action and set them accordingly: 1) root, 2)no root, not helper and 3) no root, yes helper. You can catch the permission denied by using variables and only execute the other shell script actions if there's errors