Mute/unmute microphone

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
An action to mute/unmute the microphone during the call
If you use an app called Koler dialer, or your default dialer has an option in its notification then you can use notification interaction action to press the mute/unmute


Well-known member
If you use an app called Koler dialer, or your default dialer has an option in its notification then you can use notification interaction action to press the mute/unmute

Thanks for the answer, but I use the call blocker app, which needs to be set as the default dialer to work. If set as default another dialer, call blocker will no longer work

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Something like Should I Answer has no ads.

I don't know how else you're going to mute/unmute. Perhaps the simulate media button action.