MacroDroid Helper APK (Old thread)


Active member
After clearing the cache of the MacroDroid Helper app, I gave ADB permissions again via the following commands and then restarted MacroDroid Helper. It works again for enabling Wi-Fi via MacroDroid:

adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION

adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE

adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW

adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE


New member
After clearing the cache of the MacroDroid Helper app, I gave ADB permissions again via the following commands and then restarted MacroDroid Helper. It works again for enabling Wi-Fi via MacroDroid:
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
adb shell pm grant com.arlosoft.macrodroid.helper android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Wi-Fi does not turn on programmatically (
What is your version of MacroDroid and MacroDroid Helper ? Thank's.
Blackview A200 + Android 13
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When I try to download through this link, the version is 1.16, could you make the apk available?


Well-known member
So I know, but at least for me, when I download from this link and update the app, I stay on 1.16 and not 1.18.
Are you sure the app updated?

If it didn't update, that would explain why it's still showing 1.16.

I don't know why it might not have updated, but It might be worth uninstalling the helper and installing the one from the MD wiki, as I think that will show 1.18 is installed.


New member
Are you sure the app updated?

If it didn't update, that would explain why it's still showing 1.16.

I don't know why it might not have updated, but It might be worth uninstalling the helper and installing the one from the MD wiki, as I think that will show 1.18 is installed.
Just an observation, but just for giggles I downloaded the apk at the above link and its file size does not match my locally backed up copy of the apk for version 1.18.

I have no dog in this hunt at this time, and am running 1.18, so I'm not going to try to re-install it or anything.


Active member
Found everything, installed everything, and configured via ADB, but...
Wi-Fi does not turn on programmatically (

Blackview A200 + Android 13
MacroDroid 5.49.5 & Helper 1.18
Was having similar issues. I now have both the generic and communication helpers installed. Shouldn't be required, but that works for me...


New member
Was having similar issues. I now have both the generic and communication helpers installed. Shouldn't be required, but that works for me...
"...both the generic and communication helpers installed..."
help please ))

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