Macro without name ?


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Here I am, searching for bugs on Macrodroid.
This time I found that you can make macros without names...
Unfortunately I cannot post one on the templates store because the name must be more (or equal I think) than 5 characters but it's literally 0 characters long 😐
So instead I'm posting one here in the attachments even if I had some trouble before remembering that files (why did files auto-corrected to girls..?) starting with "." are hidden by the system and because the macro has no name it exports as ".macro". I also made a video showing how to make one (because the macro can't be saved).


  • ?.macro
    1 KB · Views: 5


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Could further problems arise from this fluke?
Well using the same technique it is possible to create macros with the same name...

And YES it causes problems. Like I disable MacroDroid but they just won't stop. At some point I got so confused that I just deleted them 😅


Well-known member
And who on earth would do that?

You don't think there's enough garbage in the store?

Again who would do that?

Just my opinions
Why do you seem to be attacking OP?

My impression was that OP was making us aware of potential problems that can arise. Did I miss something?

Did OP post the nameless macro in the template store? This is the forum, not the store. Seems to me the macro-sharing forum is the place for macros that are worth having users look at but that aren't suitable for the store for any reason.

Please be aware that all of the above are intended as honest questions, not as argumentativeness or sarcasm.