Is it possible to send files via url?

I want it to send a sound to the other phone and autoplay it. I did something like this:

+ Shortcut
+ Url Trigger

+ If "Shortcut"
+ + Record and End Audio
+ Url Request (Send File "WebHook Url")
+ if "Url trigger"
+ + Open File


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
Yiu can't send files over webhooks. You can try however to upload a file using some api, get the file link, send it over a webhook and get the other device to download from that.


Moderator (& bug finder :D)
I don't have an example. You need to find one yourself.
An API is something you can contact using simple http requests to do stuff.
If we convert it to text instead of file in URL Request action, will it reach the other device? At first I tried to write to the variable but when it sent it there was nothing but a few characters.