How to Remove Delay between commands?


New member
Is there any way to remove the wait time between commands? For example, in a loop where there is no delay command, but the macrodroid has a wait time of 50 milliseconds before executing the next action or loop repeat.


Active member
Assuming there is no intentional delay command, I think that the small delay is from your phone processing speed. I have seen loop run faster on some device than others.

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
Debloat your device with Universal Android Debloater, set MacroDroid as device administrator and assistant and follow steps at Your device may also have a performance mode to enable. You can also turn off logging for this macro and others to make MacroDroid run faster.


Well-known member
I am not really sure, but it may be MacroDroid itself forcing waiting 50ms even though you didn't used any wait action inside the loop. This is because in MacroDroid if you create loop that usually iterates many times before ending and don't put any wait action inside, you risk your device starting to lag, stutter, or even MacroDroid crashing, because MacroDroid just isn't as capable and efficient as some directly written code. This is because MacroDroid is a really high level "coding language" if I would call it that way. If you try to execute a big number of actions at once (or right after each other), which usually happens in loops without any wait action, you will get a sluggish experience and performance and fast phone usually won't help you too much. This is just one of MacroDroid's trade-offs. Simpler "coding" - lower performance.
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