

Well-known member
OK almost there. Whwre is the not foreground located under constraints I'm not seeing it. Also, how do I set the 2 second delay between turning on airplane mode and then turning it off?
I already gave you the answer here:


New member
In your macro you either need to put a wait action of at least 2 seconds between the airplane on/off actions.

An alternative to a wait is to use system setting change - see the attached screenshots.

The last wait until trigger is not essential for your macro.
Thank you everyone


Active member
I have a pixel 7 that always loses signal, so I created a macro to turn airplane mode on and off every 15 minutes refreshing the network. The problem is with the constraints. I don't want this to run when I'm on a call, it's ringing, or using GPS. I've tried using not in call or not ringing or GPS not enabled. I've also tried the opposite to those and the macro still runs and drops the call I'm on.

Help please.
back to the root, do you know why you loose your signal? is it gps signal or mobile network signal?

turning on and off air plane very often is really battery consuming, i would rather look for solving the bad signals instead of an automation to search for a signal constantly.


New member
From what if read it's a pixel issue. Service provider has checked the network signal and it is apparently working just fine.


Active member
Speak countless hours on the phone, but can't get anywhere.
is your phone broken? you have warranty, talk to google support. if you say its a pixel 7 issue, i havent this problem. either it has a broken wlan reciever or your dhcp ports are full and need to be resetted everytime.