App update rejected once again for the SMS/Call log permissions

Jacob L

Moderator (Lawsonator)
I will have to start trying to reach out to some big tech sites and see if anyone would be interested to cover the story as MacroDroid is a reasonably big app nowadays so perhaps someone will think the situation is worth writing about.

I would welcome suggestions of some sites I should try and reach out to, should it come to that.
The creator of this video:

Ars Technica:

Android Authority:

Android Police:

UK government:

Then you might get traction in r/Androif, r/androiddev and r/degoogle subreddits


Staff member
Thanks Jacob, that's a good set of links. I'm sure I will need them in the future, but I am happy to report that my latest attempt has finally gone through. I assume that my hunch that it only counts as an automation app if the video shows 4 or more actions was correct. Of course it could just be completely random/different person (or algorithm) that decided yes it really is an automation app.
