Add and remove cell towers to/from a group


New member

Due to the wide range of cell towers, many of them overlap the same area and thus many cell ids need to be added to a group for it to be effective. In my experience, I've also found that cell ids can change over time. While scanning for cells is a solution, it is manual and thus rather impractical.

I would like to suggest to add actions to add and remove cell tower ids to/from a specific group so that we can automatically do this based on a trigger.
This would allow, for example, to detect when we're leaving a cell group but in range of a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, allowing us to add the current cell to the current group.

While it may seem like directly using Wi-Fi would be the best solution, it isn't. Because I personally disable Wi-Fi during the night (with macros that do a bunch of other things) and so I wouldn't be able to trigger those macros again based on Wi-Fi. The information I need is my general location.

What do you think?