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  1. AkashiDom

    Noti id

    Any, even an RNG.
  2. AkashiDom

    Malicious Macro report on Reddit

    What do you mean by that? It's never happened before? dayum
  3. AkashiDom

    Malicious Macro report on Reddit

    I have the feeling that guy mentioning this macro: Yes, I've reported the macro.
  4. AkashiDom

    infinite recursion error

    Could you share full macro image? Can't see it properly from that image.
  5. AkashiDom

    Identifier of floating text magic text

    Even better, if check the one that isn't showing.
  6. AkashiDom

    Macro Menu

    The macro has been released:
  7. AkashiDom

    How to share a macro containing <action blocks>?

    The macro can contain the Action Blocks. However, macro may not contain Action Block that is nested inside another Action Block. The solution to this is to add the nested Action Block into the macro as disabled.
  8. AkashiDom

    Thank you all for your help and wish you all a happy Chinese New Year

    Thank you for wishing us, happy Chinese new year!🙌🙌
  9. AkashiDom

    How do I use this feature?

    Have you tried Media Button Pressed trigger?[/SPOILER]Select the Long Press option.
  10. AkashiDom

    How do I use this feature?

    The one you looking for is Home Button Long Press trigger. [/SPOILER]
  11. AkashiDom

    Get website name the user is browsing on Chrome

    Use the attached macro.
  12. AkashiDom

    oh yea I forgor to tell i'm on mobile :P

    oh yea I forgor to tell i'm on mobile :P
  13. AkashiDom

    Read screen contents timed out problem

    Read Screen Content have timeout? That is news to me…
  14. AkashiDom

    I kinda like how the new forum profile is on sidebar but I also hate it because I need to go...

    I kinda like how the new forum profile is on sidebar but I also hate it because I need to go through multiple steps just to preview my profile :(
  15. AkashiDom

    Would you switch to Android 15 if you had a chance?

    Would you switch to Android 15 if you had a chance?
  16. AkashiDom

    Macro Menu

    This is an Action Block, one that can help you making menu easier! Preview: Please note that this speed has been amplified by 3.5. The action block is able to create a menu from a dictionary. It's uses Selection Dialog for user to make a selection out of the menu. However, for Android below...
  17. AkashiDom

    V5.51 - Feedback

    I'll be honest, this is so cool…
  18. AkashiDom

    Delete files except those that meet a condition

    Although, it is correct. Use helper app if it's not working.
  19. AkashiDom

    Delete files except those that meet a condition

    Alternatively, you can follow and use this macro:
  20. AkashiDom

    Delete files except those that meet a condition

    You can use Shell Script with this script: # Replace '/storage/emulated/0/000000' with your own directory path cd /storage/emulated/0/000000 # Main script, doesn't need any modification rm * touch .nomedia touch .megaignore [/SPOILER] For reference, these are Shell Script: